The Clevamama Clevacushion Nursing Pillow & Baby Nest is a 10-in-1 nursing pillow, perfect from pregnancy right up to stroller stage. The cushion offers perfect back support whilst pregnant and has an adjustable waist strap to give you that extra support and stability needed during breast or bottle feeding. The extra comfort insert allows you to transform the nursing pillow into a luxurious baby nest, and then a perfect bolster seat for when your baby is learning to sit upright. The clevacushion 10-in-1 nursing pillow can also be used to add the all important extra support and comfort to a car seat, pram, high chair, bouncer and stroller. Made using clevafoam technology, it is scientifically proven to reduce the pressure on the back of your baby's head by 50% and increase support by an enormous 80%, thereby helping to prevent flat head syndrome.